Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Look into my eyes

There is something magnificent about an innocent child's ability to stare blatantly and unashamedly into your eyes. I'm not just talking about making eye contact. For the first time in my life, someone actually looks me not only in the eyes, but through my eyes. It's the deepest eye contact I've ever experienced. It's like he is searching for something, and when he finds it, that little face erupts in the world's softest, most loving smile.

Sometimes, out of habit, and due to my own insecurities, I break his gaze... and he moves his little head around to catch me ... and when he locks eyes again, that little smile comes creeping back.

I melt. Every time.

I love you Arthur Bear. 

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh, he' sooo adorable, im sure ur both so damn proud.....x, check me out too if you have time!
