Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mum, can you help me?

Arthur is obsessed with his shape sorting ball at the moment. I won't pretend he can select the correct window for each correlating shape... he is not yet at that moment of brilliance, but he can pick up the shape (using his right hand), then uses his left hand to reposition the shape and pass it back to his right hand all ready for placement. It's an intricate exercise, and adorable to witness. He holds each piece so delicately. 

I have to select the correct window for him, and he has to turn and adjust the piece until it magically disappears inside the ball. It's nice because it's something he needs me to help him with... and it's nice to be needed sometimes for things other than a nappy change or bottle.
He grabs the shape sorter out of his toy basket and pushes it over to me... it's pretty cute. Despite what I'm doing, I find I have to stop and sit with him for a moment, just so he can complete the task. I can't resist. 

I like to say the name of the shape as he selects them. This is where I fall short. What is the technically correct name for these pieces? (my friend is laughing because she knows I have an obsession with naming everything with the absolutely correct term) 

Give me some credit, I know square, triangle, circle, oval... the easy ones. I even impressed myself that I knew hexagon and pentagon...Honestly, I was terrible at maths.  I just was starting to feel a little bit bad that I was calling one shape the 'wedge' and the other one a 'polygon' because it sounded right... even though I knew it wasn't. My husband and I couldn't agree on what it should be called. We were both amazing at maths. Obviously. 

So I Googled it. Thank you Google for making me a better parent. 

Turns out the 'polygon' is actually a TRAPEZIUM. A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides. Some fuzzy parts of my brain started coming back alive...Trapezium sounded very familiar. I LIKE that word. 

Turns out a Polygon is defined as a flat shape consisting of straight, non-intersecting line segments or "sides" that are joined pair-wise to form a closed path. So I wasn't far off... but I wasn't correct. Today we shape sorted about 10 times and each time he selected that piece I proudly announced it was a T-R-A-P-E-Z-I-U-M. Arthur, that is a TRA-PEEEE-ZI-UM. He thinks I'm smart now. 

Oh and the 'wedge' is called a pie wedge... 

Lesson over. You're welcome. 

For some reason, he really doesn't like the star. He leaves it to last all the time. Funny kid.

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