Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Art's Lunch

I'm new to this whole lunch box thing, and I know some of my friends are too, so why not share some lunch combinations with each other?
I'm limited to finger food and food he can manage with his gums and very few teeth. I also try to give him a wide variety of food, flavour and texture as his palette develops. I'll share a few of his lunch boxes along the way in the hope it may inspire other tired mums who need to get a lunch packed before they can retire for the evening.

I do find it easier to prepare his lunch the night before. It gives me time to cook up things and clear up the dishes if there are any. I also try to incorporate left overs from his dinner into lunch the next day so we don't waste too much food.

So here's one from the other day:

In case you can't see too clearly: 
Peanut butter & Jam sammy sushi. I got a good tutorial here
Egg Frittata: These take only 10 mins to make and I'll share the recipe on another post. 
Pasta: From his dinner that night. 
CousCous balls - from dinner also.
Yoghurt as an after lunch treat later in the day. 
Kiwifruit - I just peel and slice into wedges for him. 

He loves all of the options and always empties his lunch box. Some on the floor, but most in his belly... 

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