Saturday, August 3, 2013

Flippin' fantastic frittatas

These litttle frits are an excellent addition to the lunchbox. I store them in the fridge, or freezer (and pull them out the day before). They are great for dinner too... anytime really. Also not too bad to snack on yourself as you're racing around trying to clean a kitchen, feed a kid, hang out washing... that sort of thing.

There's nothing revolutionary about the recipe or a frittata and most of you probably already know how to make these. Given my level of cooking ability, I've found this an excellent addition to my finger food repertoire. Throw in any vegetables you have on hand. I always steam them first to soften them. If we're having a casserole, there's nothing stopping you from taking a little bit of that and throwing it in too.. anything goes. Apart from fruit. That might not work.

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