Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I'm constantly behind on my washing. I have so many washing baskets... and they are always full. My husband keeps his comments to a minimum (until he runs out of socks and undies) reminding me that he cooks the dinner... I do the washing. It is a verbal contract, and I struggle so badly to keep my side of the deal.

I admit. I'm shocking. I'm known to also prompt him at the shops to buy more socks and undies, just to take some of the pressure off my washing duties.

I blame it on the weather... the drier is slow... and when I try to line dry, it rains...
I blame it on the fact that 'I don't have enough whites to justify a white wash"
I blame it on being "tired after work" and I tend to save it up for the weekends. The weekend comes around and we are never home. The cycle continues....

I could come up with more excuses. At the end of the day, I love fresh washing  and empty washing baskets. Why can't I find the time or motivation?

Perhaps if I had a laundry like this? ....

Anyone have any good laundry tips? some domestic wisdom you can share with me? ...
email ifreakenloveyou at gmail dot com

seriously... :)

1 comment:

  1. What can i say...tut tut.....Less time blogging and more time in your inadequate laundry would be better. stop procrastinating...poor Mr D!!!
