Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hey Baby, what do you feel like eating?

I've been really fortunate to avoid the dreaded morning sickness with this pregnancy. However, I did find that I became a really fussy eater. I'm not usually that fussy so I've found it quite hard to adjust and reason with my body. What's that? You feel like creamy chicken and mushroom fettuccine?.... or , sorry, you feel like vegetable soup? But it's the middle of Summer!

I've learnt to listen to my body, or rather, Lenny, as we like to call the bump. It's taken some practice. I've tried to force feed the lovely dinners Mr.D has prepared, but if Lenny doesn't want it, I know all about it. I can't explain the feeling, but it's like my body goes into total protest mode. I feel so bad sitting there staring at my lovely dinner and just not wanting to even take a bite. 

So far I've discovered that Lenny absolutely despises the following;

Red Meat - I think it's more the smell of it cooking...
Asparagus  - Even when it touched the peas on my plate, I had to sacrifice the peas...and I LOVE peas.
B Vitamins - I try my best to take my B6 every day to try to help my skin to stretch and grow with the baby, but Lenny really objects to this one.

That's about all that Lenny despises so far, so pretty easy to work around I guess. In terms of the favourites of the moment;

Oranges - these have been a hit from the start. Fortunately there are some delicious, juicy organic oranges near our place. It's funny, my mum craved citrus when she was pregnant with my sister too.
Flavoured Milk - oh this stuff is amazing. Mr D got me 2Litres of chocolate primo the other day... I rationed it as much as I can, but I think my brother in law discovered it. I like to drink an Up and Go in the mornings too at the moment. I don't know if this will last. Lenny gets over stuff fast.... except for oranges.Did I mention oranges are delicious?
Cherry Tomatoes - these are the tastiest little morsels. I have them in the fridge at work. I must eat so many of these at the moment, they're like lollies.

Don't you think it's strange how something so small can dominate your body so much? I had no idea a little Lenny could be so powerful, sending messages to my brain... cherry tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, oranges oranges.

Yet one of the many discoveries I'm making on this journey.

I can't think of pictures to put with this blog... how about the view of my feet. I'm enjoying the sight of them while it lasts. 


  1. Cuuuuuute! He loves acidic things then!! at least its not something really unhealthy that he's craving...all my workmate wanted was macaroni cheese in a can

  2. Yeah I just realised - I guess they are quite acidic!I'm glad Lenny doesn't crave KFC or McDonalds, then I'd really be in trouble!
