Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A bit of a laugh...

One of my friends emailed me these photos thinking I may find it funny. She was right.
It's not everyones cup of tea, I know and these hot guy, metro quotes have been done many times...but whatever, I got a smile out of it.

On a side note;

I actually think it must be so hard for the guys during pregnancy. I have this little human in there, growing away, changing my body, making me eat things and sleep lots... so I actually feel pregnant and want to get involved in things like sorting out a nursery area and read up on birth options as well as fuss over all of the adorable things you can buy.

For the guy, they're just getting used to this wife who can be a little bit snappy, complains about having nothing to wear that fits, fusses over nursery planning, won't eat certain dinners, just because she doesn't 'feel' like it, and meanwhile asking you to show more excitement about everything that's going on.

It must be hard... they really have no idea what is going on, unless you drag them along to every medical appointment and explain how you're feeling and why every 30 minutes. I thought these pictures were funny because it's what women THINK they want, but then if the men did start getting too involved, it would perhaps teeter on the edge of annoyance. It's similar to wedding planning... those who've planned or are planning a wedding, you have moments where you feel like you're doing EVERYTHING (similar to growing a baby) and you want them to paaallleeeeeeeease be a LITTLE bit involved here!!!! so they start going over the menu options, being really attentive, pretending to be interested in seating arrangements and flower selections, with opinions on all of it that you just don't want to hear. You find yourself wishing you'd never made a scene. I'd be a bit worried if Mr D actually suggested we sit down and have a heart to heart about nursery concepts and began organising the clothes into stages and recommending swaddle wraps because of reviews he'd read on the Internet. Scary thought.

I did see him have a quick flick through of my Up the Duff book that was on the coffee table the other day and he asked "how many weeks are you now?" which made me feel a little bit smiley on the inside.

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