Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Goals

I like making goals. Small goals and big goals.I make goals really specific and realistic. They are similar to tasks, but they have to  improve your life. 

I have a new goal. I'm writing it down in the hope it will motivate me to achieve it and prove to myself that if I put my mind to something, I can make it happen. It's good to remind yourself sometimes.

I am going to touch my toes with straight legs. Just like this person here. (Maybe not standing on my hands). I just want my fingertips to touch the floor.

(you can probably imagine the images a google search produced when I typed in "touch my toes" )

I'm sure most people can already do this, and don't have to think about it. But for someone with a titanium spine, who had a surgeon say "just forget about touching your toes", this is a big thing for me.
I'm confident it will help with my lower back pain and this will improve my life.

I have about 20-30cm to go....

You should all set a goal today, even if it's a little one, like making the bed each day or drinking less coffee (or wine).  Achieving it gives you a little boost and reminds you that you do have willpower and willpower is what pushes us to succeed.

Woah....this is all sounding a little Dr. Phil now, so I'll cut it here.

I'm off to stretch my hamstrings.

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