Monday, March 26, 2012

The Ya ya sisterblog

The other day, when emailing my sister numerous commentaries about the development of Lenny, she mentioned she was thinking about starting a blog about various healthy foods and recipes she is discovering and loving at the moment. It got me/us thinking. Why not offer up some space on IFLY here for her insights. It's not like I'm filling this place up with multiple blog posts may be a good way to ensure more regular postings.

We thought it would be an interesting contrast to have two sisters, with various likenesses and many differences to blog about  life's events and interests from the eyes of both a woman in her early 20's living life in Sydney, Australia with the corporate job and city living social life, and her sister, late 20's, married with a baby on the way... living in a small beach community in Auckland, New Zealand.

It might be interesting... or could be really depressing to see how quickly life changes from young, free, and fun, to marriage, a mortgage and babies. Mind you that's pretty fun too!

What do you think?

I'm going to get her to write up a post and test it out.

Here's one of the last photos we had together, a night out in Sydney. It's not the nicest photo we have together by any means, in fact it's a terrible one of me, but I think it actually captures us in a moment pretty well. I'm doing some dorky fist bopping dance move in my chair, while my sister takes another sip of her drink, not noticing the guy checking her out. He may have been checking out my awesome seated dance moves, but I think we all know that's not true.

And now, here we are... her looking all gorgeous with her other half ready for a night out in town, and me, with my other half and a quarter ready for domestic life.

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