Monday, May 27, 2013

NINE months

I don't know how it happened, but I have a 9 month old (actually closer to a 10 month old). Let me tell you, this is a FUN age. It's sometimes exhausting, as you can't take your eyes off him for one moment, but it is very very enjoyable and rewarding. Also, with two naps a day, you still get time to re-energize (a.k.a cleaning the house, doing the washing, tidying up the toys and doing the dishes)... long live the naps!

I've liked all of his ages and stages, but so far this one is the best. I'm starting to think this is why there are so many families I know who have children 18-20 months apart... because at 9 months, a Mother goes, YES! Let's have another one! Babies are awesome!

No. Settle down. I'm not having another one just yet. 

This one is enough for me for now.

We had the first tooth emerge from the gums finally this week. A little one all by itself down the bottom. He can't stop flicking it with his tongue which makes for some funny facial expressions. With the tooth came a lowered immune system, which made way for his first ear infection and a little dose of coxsackie virus (commonly known as hand,foot,mouth... but he didn't quite get to that point of mouth blisters thankfully). By the way... who named the coxsackie virus?? Apologies for my immaturity. But seriously.

It was his first time being sick, and he coped rather well... there were some tears and lots of cuddles (can't complain about those!), a trip to the doctor and his sleep was out a wee bit, with some difficulty settling and some early wake ups, but he kicked the ear infection within a day or so and the rash began clearing soon after. I had a MUCH happier baby by the weekend. It was so nice to have his giggles return....

It's so hard as a first time mum to know when your child is really sick, or when they're just teething or under the weather... Fortunately we live in a country where children have free medical care, and so I take full advantage of that. When the rash spread to his whole body and a little blister appeared between his fingers I knew it was time to get him checked... Never fear that you're being an overacting neurotic mother EVER. Giving birth does not automatically give you the power to diagnose and cure childhood illness... it does however give you mother's instinct... which you should always trust.

I did actually feel like a real dick one time when I'd convinced myself he was sick (about 4 months old). I was sitting in the waiting room at the doctors and he was giggling and blabbering away, laughing at everyone and smiling... I felt like a total fraud. I totally second guessed myself and knew we shouldn't be there.... that his tears that morning were. just. tears. not a cry for medical assistance. My sister was with me, and was feeling very awkward about the fact that we were sitting in a medical waiting room with a very healthy baby and possibly EXPOSING him to sickness... The GP was really nice about it and was very supportive in my decision to bring him in, even if the result was that he was very very healthy and she gave me a gold star for my mother chart.

I'm really writing like lightning speed tonight, forgive me for the verbal diarrhea.

Seriously though, it's hard to see little babies feeling so miserable. I'm glad you're feeling better now little Bear.

He actually now has a full on snotty nose which is pretty gross, and he has a MASSIVE aversion to nose wiping (instant tears), but tears and tantrums it is, because I will not let that slimy nose stuff make it's way from the nostril to the upper lip. That's just gross.

I wish I looked this adorable when I'm full of a cold.

I should really split this into a separate post, but given my slackness with the updates, I should probably continue while I have the time.

This is what I love about 9 month olds. Play time. Tonight we seemed to have so much time together before bed. We got home at about 5.00, had dinner at 5.30, and played until 7pm. It was so much fun. He was being hilarious and I took several videos to capture it all. Like I said in my previous post - I'm taking time to smell those flowers.

Enough for one post I think. I'm sure you get the idea. I'm obsessed with this little person. He brings so much love and joy into my life, it's overwhelming.

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