Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Playing around with Risotto

I didn't take a photo of the first risotto I made the bear, so you'll just have to trust me that it was good.
Risotto is very versatile and a very handy ingredient to have on hand when you're whipping up culinary delights for your little humans in a hurry.

This dish probably takes around 20 minutes start to finish. It's a little more labour intensive, but there will be enough left over for lunch the next day or for another dinner (maybe even more if your baby eats small meals). I always make more than I need - so keep that in mind when you find yourself thinking " HER KID EATS THIS MUCH?... In ONE sitting?"

I also wing it when I cook these dishes. I don't really take note on measurements and sometimes I forget what I put in there - so please use my measurements as a guide - and adjust as you're cooking. If you think it's looking a little bit dry, add more milk or water... if you think it needs more substance add more peas or vegetables... if it needs more punch, squeeze in some more lemon. Taste and judge for yourself as you go.

I literally am looking at the picture and trying to remember what's in if you think you see something else in there that's not on the list - it's probably in there. It's likely there could have been some chicken, garlic and basil thrown in. I'm not too good at this recipe writing business am I?

I think I have included everything. You'll see that I use shallots in his cooking as opposed to regular onion. I like that they are small, and often the two halves are in their own 'outer skin' so the unused half can go back in the cupboard ready for another meal (does that make sense?). Also, they are easier to finely dice, and they punch a nice flavour into his dishes.

Arthur started eating risotto at about 8 months old. He is good with his textures, only gagging a few times here and there as he learns the ins and outs of chewing (without teeth). All babies are different, so play around with the texture. If you find they prefer less lumps then just blend it for a second prior to serving.

I serve this dish with a side of steamed broccoli and cauliflower as he likes a 'finger food' component with every meal. Mum holds the spoon, but Art can feed himself the vegetables. It seems to work well at the moment.

By the way - Have you SEEN a baby eat peas!?!? It's right up there with eating raisins and blueberries. Pretty much the cutest thing on the planet (right up there with cute cat videos on you tube...maybe even cuter)...

Time to do the bedtime routine.

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