Thursday, September 6, 2012

Making a house a home

A little break from baby posts...

Just before Art was born we moved back into the city. We haven't had a lot of time to get the house set up prior to his arrival, and being a rental, we aren't doing any improvements to the property... so to make it more of a home we like to hang pictures on the wall, to define each space and bring some of personality into it.

Here's a little peek into our very little kitchen and dining area.

We purchased the 'meat' art from an artist in San Francisco, and I framed it using off the shelf frames from Factory Frames (my go to for all framing). The prints are very quirky - a cow and pig all segmented into their cuts of meat. Perfect for a kitchen (unless you're a vegetarian). We kept it very simple, and went with wooden frames, as opposed to black or white, to compliment the other wood in the room.

It's a very small kitchen, as you can see... but we've made what we can of the space, and it's perfect for our little family. Although it made the kitchen even smaller, we relocated a bookcase to house cookbooks, glassware and storage jars.. and other junk that seems to accumulate there.

(oh what you could do if you owned this house....).

I printed some vintage French mushroom images from online last year and popped those into some frames I already had. 

Here's a view from the end of the dining room, through to the kitchen so you can see all of the various art on the walls. Nothing fancy, just things to make it feel a little less of a rental and more like a home. 
The coloured pictures are some old photos I had, already in those frames. I just put coloured scrapbook paper in the background to freshen them up and provide some colour to the room. 
Very cheap, quick and easy to change. 

It's far from being a house from a magazine, but it's functional and homely... which is really what it all boils down to... especially with a newborn baby in the house!

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