Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I'm one of those people who never gets around to printing off photos - purely because I take SO many! I like to put my photos in photobooks using www.blurb.com, but it takes me a long time to get around to completing one and printing it off... our world trip in 2009 is still a work in progress... as is my maternity book, as is my albums for 2010 and 2011 and our holidays.

I find it impossible to keep up! It's a shame though because it's so nice to revisit memories by flicking through an actual book. I would very rarely have friends around and say "hey do you want to look at our holiday snaps?... hang on I'll just load up the hard drive" .Not likely.

Instead, the books I HAVE managed to do, which would usually reside in the lounge or on our book shelf, get flicked through constantly by friends and family, which is so nice... and this is how photos should be enjoyed.

Anyway - I have moved away from the point of this post, again...

The other day I came across this site www.stickygram.com. Given that a lot of our life now is documented on the iPhone using instagram, a lot of our memories end up stored on there and could easily be lost if we were to lose our phone or forget to back up (who remembers to back up??)

I ordered two sheets to start with to see what they were like. Result. Awesome! Within a week I had my own little instagram magnets in my mailbox. I can't wait to print more throughout the year and covering my fridge with moments of life. I took some normal photos from our other cameras and just instagrammed them on my phone to add them to the collection. I think I'm addicted...


  1. I freaken love this idea vic! They look so cute. I could see how you can become addicted. Love Yels xox

  2. So cute - I'm thinking they will make a cute present for family who always want photos of little Art... cheap and easy presents!
