Monday, May 24, 2010

Did I mention I freaken love organised cupboards?

Those of you who know me, know that I used to be a wee bit of an obsessive compulsive when it came to organising things...

Those of you who know me and have been to my place or office also would have noticed that I have become increasingly slack in this area...

Nevertheless, I still have an underlying obsession with disgustingly organised things... in particular cupboards.

This picture almost took my breath away...

I feel so inadequate when I see this... not to mention sick with jealousy. I'm sure if I had an architecturally designed walk through pantry and a hefty bank balance I too would own this organised monstrosity.

While we are on the topic of organisation - here are some more which tug deeply at my obsessive compulsive strings.

s_ripperton photostream flikr
Do I dare reveal my cupboards?

There I did it... only a little part of the don't want to see the other half.
But! despite the overall lack of organisation.. I did make some labels so when you do find something you know what it is. Success!

I think that's enough about cupboards for one day... 

oh ok... just one more time...


  1. Cool labels Vic, like the font. :0)

  2. I love the white jugs/ white shelving / white kitchen.. too bad I have SHINY BLUE now. But I know you can relate to that.. ha ha.

  3. ohhhh the old shiny blue. I relate.
